I think one of the biggest reasons I love family photography is that a bulk of these shoots tend to happen during the holiday season, and I LOVE the holiday season.

Family photography takes a little more coordinating than any other shoot because you’re usually involving a few more people, but once you get everyone together, you get it all done.

Family photography is all about capturing your family unit, your interactions, your father/daughter pictures, your sibling pictures, and your parents only vs kids only pictures. It’s usually a once-a-year way to round everyone together and capture everyone looking their best. These make for a great postcard, most importantly though, a timeless memory.


  1. Colors & color palettes: pick one color that everyone can wear or a set of colors that complement each other. Example: everyone can wear a white shirt, or everyone can wear a light color palette of whites, light browns, and light blues.

  2. Pick a pattern. Example: plaid is very popular for fall/winter photoshoots.

  3. Matching accessories & shoes: similar jewelry, headbands, ties, and shoes are great subtle ways to bring uniformity.

  4. Denim + [color] shirt is always a great way to go.

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